
Circle of Compassion Membership    

with Olivia Wallis

Step into the Circle of Compassion Membership, where women (like you) who are feeling lost, overwhelmed, or even detached from who they once were gather. Find validation and empowerment on your journey of healing, growth and resilience.

With monthly transformative coaching and community support, we are there with and for you as you create a new path forward. Your emotional well-being and a brighter, more fulfilling future is not just a dream - it's within your reach and is at the centre of this community.

Join the Circle Of Compassion Waitlist Today.

Circle of Compassion Membership    

with Olivia Wallis

Step into the Circle of Compassion Membership, where women (like you) who are feeling lost, overwhelmed, or even detached from who they once were gather. Find validation and empowerment on your journey of healing, growth and resilience.

With monthly transformative coaching and community support, we are there with and for you as you create a new path forward. Your emotional well-being and a brighter, more fulfilling future is not just a dream - it's within your reach and is at the centre of this community.

This is for survivors of trauma and toxic relationships seeking solace and connection... so you can find a safe haven where your experiences are validated, and your journey towards healing is supported every step of the way.

This is for survivors of trauma and toxic relationships seeking solace and connection... so you can find a safe haven where your experiences are validated, and your journey towards healing is supported every step of the way.

Imagine your life filled with so much


Where you go from feeling isolated and misunderstood... to finding a supportive community where you're surrounded by understanding peers who empathize with your journey.

Where you are struggling to navigate your healing journey alone... to receiving ongoing emotional support, guidance, and encouragement from experienced coaches and fellow members at every step.

From being overwhelmed by the weight of past traumas and toxic relationships... to feeling empowered and equipped with the tools and resources needed to heal, grow, and reclaim yourself.

From questioning your worth and validity due to past experiences... to discovering belonging and acceptance within a compassionate community that celebrates your resilience and strength.

From feeling stuck in a cycle of pain and self-doubt... to experiencing profound transformation and growth as you embark on a journey of healing, self-discovery, and personal empowerment.

Imagine your life filled with so much


Where you go from feeling isolated and misunderstood... to finding a supportive community where you're surrounded by understanding peers who empathize with your journey.

Where you are struggling to navigate your healing journey alone... to receiving ongoing emotional support, guidance, and encouragement from experienced coaches and fellow members at every step.

From being overwhelmed by the weight of past traumas and toxic relationships... to feeling empowered and equipped with the tools and resources needed to heal, grow, and reclaim yourself.

From questioning your worth and validity due to past experiences... to discovering belonging and acceptance within a compassionate community that celebrates your resilience and strength.

From feeling stuck in a cycle of pain and self-doubt... to experiencing profound transformation and growth as you embark on a journey of healing, self-discovery, and personal empowerment.

How many times have you felt like you're screaming into the void, desperately seeking understanding and validation for the pain and trauma you've experienced, only to be met with silence or dismissal?

How many times have you felt like you're screaming into the void, desperately seeking understanding and validation for the pain and trauma you've experienced, only to be met with silence or dismissal?

Ask yourself the question

Is this you?

You're exhausted from carrying the weight of past traumas and toxic relationships on your shoulders, but no matter how hard you try, you can't seem to shake off the feelings of loneliness and isolation.

I know that you're ready to break free from the cycle of self-doubt and insecurity that holds you back from embracing your true worth and potential, but every step forward feels like two steps back, leaving you feeling stuck and hopeless.

How many times have you found yourself scrolling through social media, watching others seemingly living their best lives, while you struggle to even get out of bed in the morning, weighed down by the heaviness of your past?

Ask yourself the question

Is this you?

You're exhausted from carrying the weight of past traumas and toxic relationships on your shoulders, but no matter how hard you try, you can't seem to shake off the feelings of loneliness and isolation.

I know that you're ready to break free from the cycle of self-doubt and insecurity that holds you back from embracing your true worth and potential, but every step forward feels like two steps back, leaving you feeling stuck and hopeless.

How many times have you found yourself scrolling through social media, watching others seemingly living their best lives, while you struggle to even get out of bed in the morning, weighed down by the heaviness of your past?

You long for a sense of belonging and connection, but fear of judgment and rejection keeps you trapped in a cycle of isolation and self-imposed silence, leaving you yearning for a safe space where you can truly be yourself without fear or shame.

You long for a sense of belonging and connection, but fear of judgment and rejection keeps you trapped in a cycle of isolation and self-imposed silence, leaving you yearning for a safe space where you can truly be yourself without fear or shame.

Ready to break free and find

Understanding and support

Are you exhausted from feeling like your experiences are constantly dismissed, longing for a community that truly understands and supports you? Do you yearn for a safe haven where you can express yourself authentically and openly, free from judgment or rejection? Are you prepared to break free from the grip of past traumas and toxic relationships, reclaiming your sense of self-worth and empowerment?

If you're seeking validation for the pain you've endured and ready to embark on a journey of healing and growth surrounded by compassionate support, this community is for you. Join us if you're craving connection and understanding from others who have walked a similar path, ready to forge meaningful relationships rooted in empathy, compassion, and shared experiences.

Ready to break free and find

Understanding and support

Are you exhausted from feeling like your experiences are constantly dismissed, longing for a community that truly understands and supports you? Do you yearn for a safe haven where you can express yourself authentically and openly, free from judgment or rejection? Are you prepared to break free from the grip of past traumas and toxic relationships, reclaiming your sense of self-worth and empowerment?

If you're seeking validation for the pain you've endured and ready to embark on a journey of healing and growth surrounded by a compassionate support, this community is for you. Join us if you're craving connection and understanding from others who have walked a similar path, ready to forge meaningful relationships rooted in empathy, compassion, and shared experiences.

"I was fortunate enough to have had Olivia as my coach for about a year. I was dealing with massive changes in my personal and work life and Olivia was there to guide me through it. Her kind and supportive nature made it easy for me to face the challenges and turn them into opportunities for personal growth. She knew how to push me when I was stuck in a rut and I can honestly say, she changed my life for the better."

~ Sharika

"I was fortunate enough to have had Olivia as my coach for about a year. I was dealing with massive changes in my personal and work life and Olivia was there to guide me through it. Her kind and supportive nature made it easy for me to face the challenges and turn them into opportunities for personal growth. She knew how to push me when I was stuck in a rut and I can honestly say, she changed my life for the better."

~ Sharika

"Thank you so much for the session yesterday. It’s always helpful to leave feeling that I have a clearer perspective on my experience as well as some practical things I can do to feel secure."

~ Magano

"Her calm demeanor creates a relaxed environment, perfect for learning, open discussions and brainstorming. Olivia is an incredible person, even through hardship she never gives up, not on others and also not on her own dreams. I value the influence that Olivia has had on my career and personal growth. She is a lovely lady who will go out of her way to assist others."

~ Marina

"Her calm demeanor creates a relaxed environment, perfect for learning, open discussions and brainstorming. Olivia is an incredible person, even through hardship she never gives up, not on others and also not on her own dreams. I value the influence that Olivia has had on my career and personal growth. She is a lovely lady who will go out of her way to assist others."

~ Marina

Express your thoughts and emotions

Without hesitation

Picture yourself enveloped in a supportive community of understanding individuals, where your experiences are not only acknowledged but celebrated as integral parts of your healing journey. Imagine the profound sense of empowerment and self-worth that emanates from within as you liberate yourself from the shackles of past traumas and toxic relationships, reclaiming sovereignty over your own narrative.

See yourself forging deep and meaningful connections with kindred spirits who have traversed similar paths, exchanging stories of resilience and growth while offering unwavering support and compassion through life's trials and triumphs.

Visualize a future where you no longer walk alone in your struggles, but instead, find yourself embraced by a circle of compassion that uplifts and inspires you to navigate your journey towards healing and wholeness with courage, grace, and unwavering resilience.

Express your thoughts and emotions

Without hesitation

Picture yourself enveloped in a supportive community of understanding individuals, where your experiences are not only acknowledged but celebrated as integral parts of your healing journey. Imagine the profound sense of empowerment and self-worth that emanates from within as you liberate yourself from the shackles of past traumas and toxic relationships, reclaiming sovereignty over your own narrative.

See yourself forging deep and meaningful connections with kindred spirits who have traversed similar paths, exchanging stories of resilience and growth while offering unwavering support and compassion through life's trials and triumphs.

Visualize a future where you no longer walk alone in your struggles, but instead, find yourself embraced by a circle of compassion that uplifts and inspires you to navigate your journey towards healing and wholeness with courage, grace, and unwavering resilience.

Knowing that your voice holds weight and value within this safe haven. Your authenticity is honored, creating an environment of acceptance where we see you.

Knowing that your voice holds weight and value within this safe haven. Your authenticity is honored, creating an environment of acceptance where we see you.

Trauma informed coaching for

Courageous recovery

In the Circle of Compassion Membership, we utilize trauma-informed coaching techniques to guide you through your healing journey. Trauma-informed coaching is a holistic approach that recognizes the widespread impact of trauma and toxic stress on individuals' lives. We focus on creating a safe and supportive environment where you can explore your experiences without judgment and learn practical strategies for coping and resilience-building.

Through our monthly transformative coaching sessions, you'll gain insight into the ways trauma has shaped your life and discover empowering tools to reclaim your sense of self-worth and agency. We also emphasize the importance of community support in healing from trauma, providing you with access to a network of understanding peers who validate your experiences and offer encouragement every step of the way. 

Trauma informed coaching for

Courageous recovery

In the Circle of Compassion Membership, we utilize trauma-informed coaching techniques to guide you through your healing journey. Trauma-informed coaching is a holistic approach that recognizes the widespread impact of trauma and toxic stress on individuals' lives. We focus on creating a safe and supportive environment where you can explore your experiences without judgment and learn practical strategies for coping and resilience-building.

Through our monthly transformative coaching sessions, you'll gain insight into the ways trauma has shaped your life and discover empowering tools to reclaim your sense of self-worth and agency. We also emphasize the importance of community support in healing from trauma, providing you with access to a network of understanding peers who validate your experiences and offer encouragement every step of the way. 

We ensure you receive the personalized support and guidance you need to navigate your healing journey with courage and resilience.

We ensure you receive the personalized support and guidance you need to navigate your healing journey with courage and resilience.

Tangible evidence of the 

Transformative power

In the Circle of Compassion Membership, we've seen tangible evidence of the transformative power of trauma-informed coaching. Studies have shown that individuals who engage in trauma-informed practices experience significant improvements in mental health outcomes, including reduced symptoms of anxiety and depression, increased self-esteem, and greater resilience in the face of adversity.

Additionally, case studies from our program participants have demonstrated remarkable progress in their healing journeys, with many reporting a renewed sense of self-worth, improved coping skills, and stronger connections with others. By incorporating trauma-informed coaching into our program, we provide you with evidence-based tools and strategies to support your healing and growth effectively.

Tangible evidence of the 

Transformative power

In the Circle of Compassion Membership, we've seen tangible evidence of the transformative power of trauma-informed coaching. Studies have shown that individuals who engage in trauma-informed practices experience significant improvements in mental health outcomes, including reduced symptoms of anxiety and depression, increased self-esteem, and greater resilience in the face of adversity.

Additionally, case studies from our program participants have demonstrated remarkable progress in their healing journeys, with many reporting a renewed sense of self-worth, improved coping skills, and stronger connections with others. By incorporating trauma-informed coaching into our program, we provide you with evidence-based tools and strategies to support your healing and growth effectively.

Being in the Circle of Compassion Membership leads to a profound transformation, where you emerge stronger, more resilient, and better equipped to lead a fulfilling and empowered life.

Being in the Circle of Compassion Membership leads to a profound transformation, where you emerge stronger, more resilient, and better equipped to lead a fulfilling and empowered life.

What you'll discover in the Circle of Compassion 


Meditations/Deep Relaxation/Hypnosis

  • Learn practical techniques to manage emotions and reduce stress.
  • Integrate these tools into daily routines, especially at bedtime, for convenience and accessibility.
  • Promote healing by addressing emotional needs effectively.

Office Hours on WhatsApp Group

  • Access immediate support and guidance for pressing questions or concerns.
  • Direct access to Olivia and other experts fosters a sense of security and reassurance.
  • Ensures you doesn't feel alone in your journey, fostering connection and support.

Monthly Check-in and Q&A

  • Receive personalized support and insights from Olivia and the community.
  • Structured opportunities for accountability, encouragement, and connection.
  • Tailored sessions enhance your healing journey and sense of community.

Support and Ongoing Discussions on WhatsApp Group

  • Continuous support and discussions offer valuable resource for sharing experiences and gaining perspective.
  • Create a supportive network that you can turn to at any time.
  • Enhance sense of connection and validation.

Discounted In-depth Coaching with Olivia Wallis

  • Delve deeper into healing process with personalized guidance from Olivia.
  • Complement group dynamics with tailored strategies and insights.
  • Address specific needs and challenges effectively for your growth and healing.

What you'll discover in the Circle of Compassion 


Meditations/Deep Relaxation/Hypnosis

  • Learn practical techniques to manage emotions and reduce stress.
  • Integrate these tools into daily routines, especially at bedtime, for convenience and accessibility.
  • Promote healing by addressing emotional needs effectively.

Office Hours on WhatsApp Group

  • Access immediate support and guidance for pressing questions or concerns.
  • Direct access to Olivia and her dedicated support team fosters a sense of security and reassurance.
  • Ensures you doesn't feel alone in your journey, fostering connection and support.

Monthly Check-in and Q&A

  • Receive personalized support and insights from Olivia and the community.
  • Structured opportunities for accountability, encouragement, and connection.
  • Tailored sessions enhance your healing journey and sense of community.

Support and Ongoing Discussions on WhatsApp Group

  • Continuous support and discussions offer valuable resource for sharing experiences and gaining perspective.
  • Create a supportive network that you can turn to at any time.
  • Enhance sense of connection and validation.

Discounted In-depth Coaching with Olivia Wallis

  • Delve deeper into healing process with personalized guidance from Olivia.
  • Complement group dynamics with tailored strategies and insights.
  • Address specific needs and challenges effectively for your growth and healing.


Is this for you?

Is this for you?

This is for you if...

You've experienced or experience trauma or toxic relationships and are seeking a supportive community to heal and grow alongside.

You often feel isolated, overwhelmed, and uncertain due to past emotional wounds, and you're ready to find a safe space where you can express yourself without judgment.

You crave validation for your experiences and a sense of belonging where you can connect with others who truly understand and empathize with your struggles.

You're committed to your journey of healing and are willing to actively participate in monthly coaching sessions, community discussions, and self-care practices to support your growth.

This is for you if...

You've experienced or experience trauma or toxic relationships and are seeking a supportive community to heal and grow alongside.

You often feel isolated, overwhelmed, and uncertain due to past emotional wounds, and you're ready to find a safe space where you can express yourself without judgment.

You crave validation for your experiences and a sense of belonging where you can connect with others who truly understand and empathize with your struggles.

You're committed to your journey of healing and are willing to actively participate in monthly coaching sessions, community discussions, and self-care practices to support your growth.

This is not for you if...

You are not ready to confront your past traumas or engage in deep emotional work.

You are looking for a quick fix or overnight solution to your challenges without putting in the necessary effort and commitment.

You  are not open to receiving support from a diverse community or collaborating with others on their healing journey.

You are seeking therapy or medical treatment for acute mental health issues without consulting a qualified professional.

This is not for you if...

You are not ready to confront your past traumas or engage in deep emotional work.

You are looking for a quick fix or overnight solution to your challenges without putting in the necessary effort and commitment.

You  are not open to receiving support from a diverse community or collaborating with others on their healing journey.

You are seeking therapy or medical treatment for acute mental health issues without consulting a qualified professional.

“The skills we developed for me worked immediately and have continued to work and support me! My favorite thing about the coaching was that I felt empowered. Honestly, the result for me is a lasting set of coping skills that seem permanently implanted so I can draw on them any time I feel overwhelmed! I am truly grateful to Olivia for her time and coaching and shall be back!”

~ Ruth

“You inspired me to be more confident. You were always very systematic in the way you approached a problem that we wanted to solve. You did not try to put the difficult issues on the back burner, but you dealt with them head-on. I also found the fact that I could email you at any time very valuable as it made me feel that there is always a lifeline.”

~ Natasha

“I was feeling completely overwhelmed and I constantly felt like I was drowning and it was holding me back. As I applied what I learnt I felt less overwhelmed and more empowered. She guided me in a kind yet firm way that made me feel completely supported.”

~ Candice

Here’s what’s included...

Monthly transformative coaching sessions led by experienced professionals

Access to a supportive community for ongoing discussions, sharing experiences, and gaining perspective

Meditations, deep relaxation, and hypnosis sessions for managing emotions and reducing stress

Office hours on WhatsApp group for immediate support and guidance

Monthly check-ins and Q&A sessions for personalized support and insights

Weekly check-ins on WhatsApp group to stay engaged and supported throughout the week

Discounted in-depth coaching sessions for personalized guidance and strategies

Here’s what’s included...

Monthly transformative coaching sessions led by experienced professionals

Access to a supportive community for ongoing discussions, sharing experiences, and gaining perspective

Meditations, deep relaxation, and hypnosis sessions for managing emotions and reducing stress

Office hours on WhatsApp group for immediate support and guidance

Monthly check-ins and Q&A sessions for personalized support and insights

Weekly check-ins on WhatsApp group to stay engaged and supported throughout the week

Discounted in-depth coaching sessions for personalized guidance and strategies

You’ll walk away with...

Healing and Growth: Experience a profound sense of healing and growth as you navigate your journey towards emotional well-being and empowerment.

Validation and Understanding: Feel validated and understood in a supportive community where your experiences are acknowledged and respected.

Empowerment: Gain a newfound sense of empowerment as you learn to navigate past trauma and toxic relationships with resilience and strength.

Connection and Belonging: Forge deep connections and a sense of belonging with like-minded individuals who share similar struggles and aspirations.

Personalized Support: Receive personalized support, guidance, and coaching tailored to your individual needs and challenges.

Self-Discovery: Embark on a journey of self-discovery and self-acceptance, unlocking your true potential and embracing your authentic self.

You’ll walk away with...

Healing and Growth: Experience a profound sense of healing and growth as you navigate your journey towards emotional well-being and empowerment.

Validation and Understanding: Feel validated and understood in a supportive community where your experiences are acknowledged and respected.

Empowerment: Gain a newfound sense of empowerment as you learn to navigate past trauma and toxic relationships with resilience and strength.

Connection and Belonging: Forge deep connections and a sense of belonging with like-minded individuals who share similar struggles and aspirations.

Personalized Support: Receive personalized support, guidance, and coaching tailored to your individual needs and challenges.

Self-Discovery: Embark on a journey of self-discovery and self-acceptance, unlocking your true potential and embracing your authentic self.

Olivia is passionate about fostering a sense of community and connection among survivors of trauma and toxic relationships, offering them the tools and resources they need to thrive.

Olivia is passionate about fostering a sense of community and connection among survivors of trauma and toxic relationships, offering them the tools and resources they need to thrive.

Your guide

Olivia Wallis is a compassionate advocate for mental health and emotional well-being, dedicated to supporting individuals on their journey towards healing and growth. With extensive experience as a trauma-informed coach and a deep understanding of human behavior, Olivia brings a unique blend of empathy and expertise to her work. She is deeply committed to creating a safe and nurturing space where individuals can explore their inner world with courage and vulnerability. Through her empathetic approach and unwavering support, Olivia empowers her clients to embrace their authenticity, cultivate resilience, and reclaim their sense of self-worth. 

Your guide...

Olivia Wallis is a compassionate advocate for mental health and emotional well-being, dedicated to supporting individuals on their journey towards healing and growth. With extensive experience as a trauma-informed coach and a deep understanding of human behavior, Olivia brings a unique blend of empathy and expertise to her work. She is deeply committed to creating a safe and nurturing space where individuals can explore their inner world with courage and vulnerability. Through her empathetic approach and unwavering support, Olivia empowers her clients to embrace their authenticity, cultivate resilience, and reclaim their sense of self-worth. 

Empowerment begins when you realize you're not alone in your journey towards healing.

Empowerment begins when you realize you're not alone in your journey towards healing.

Frequently Asked Questions

What happens after I enroll?

After enrolling, you will receive an invitation to join the WhatsApp Group within 24 hours. Once you join the group, you'll have access to the community and existing meditations.

When will all of the content be available?

Meditations will be released on a monthly basis, ensuring a steady flow of new content to support your healing journey.

Will the recordings and meditations always be available?

Yes, as long as you ae a member of this Circle of Compassion community recordings and meditations will be available, allowing you to listen according to your schedule and needs.

What if I can’t make the live calls?

If you're unable to attend the live calls, recordings will be made available for you to access at your convenience. You can also engage with the community and ask questions in the WhatsApp Group.

Can’t I just learn this in a book?

While books offer valuable insights, the Circle of Compassion Membership provides a dynamic and supportive environment where you can receive personalized guidance, connect with like-minded individuals, and access practical tools and resources to support your healing journey.

What kind of support will I get in this membership?

In this membership, you'll receive ongoing support from Olivia Wallis, as well as from the community of fellow members. This includes monthly coaching sessions, office hours, weekly check-ins, 24/7 access to the WhatsApp Group, and discounted in-depth coaching sessions.

Can I work 1:1 with Olivia Wallis?

Yes, you have the option to work 1:1 with Olivia Wallis through discounted in-depth coaching sessions available exclusively to members of the Circle of Compassion Membership.

What are the payment options?

We offer flexible payment options to accommodate your needs. You can choose to pay monthly or annually, whichever works best for you.

What is the refund policy?

We offer a 30-day money-back guarantee. If you're not satisfied with the membership for any reason, simply contact us within 30 days of enrollment for a full refund.

What’s the difference between this membership and others?

The Circle of Compassion Membership provides a comprehensive platform for ongoing emotional support, validation, and empowerment. It offers a unique community experience and personalized guidance to support your journey towards healing and growth.

What do I need to do / be / have before I join?

You don't need any specific prerequisites to join the Circle of Compassion Membership. This program is designed for individuals who are seeking emotional support, validation, and empowerment on their journey towards healing and growth.

I am still in my toxic relationship/ environment would this still be a good fit for me?

Absolutely! The Circle of Compassion Membership is designed to support individuals from all walks of life who are navigating the challenges of trauma and toxic relationships. Whether you're dealing with past trauma, struggling with toxic relationships, or seeking a supportive community, this program can provide valuable insights and resources to support your unique journey.

Frequently Asked Questions

What happens after I enroll?

After enrolling, you will receive an email with an invitation to join the WhatsApp Group within 24 hours. Once you join the group, you'll have access to the community and existing meditations. You will also get immediate access to the membership portal which houses all of your resources for immediate access.

When will all of the content be available?

Existing content is immediately available on the membership portal. Meditations and other resources will be released on a monthly basis, ensuring a steady flow of new content to support your healing journey.

Will the meditations, call recordings and other resources always be available?

Yes, as long as you ae a member of this Circle of Compassion community all meditations, call recordings and other resources will be available, allowing you to consume according to your schedule and needs.

What if I can’t make the live calls?

If you're unable to attend the live calls, recordings will be made available for you to access at your convenience the day after the live call. You can also engage with the community and ask questions in the WhatsApp Group.

Can’t I just learn this in a book?

While books offer valuable insights, the Circle of Compassion Membership provides a dynamic and supportive environment where you can receive personalized guidance, connect with like-minded individuals, and access practical tools and resources to support your healing journey.

What kind of support will I get in this membership?

In this membership, you'll receive ongoing support from Olivia Wallis, other coaches, as well as from the community of fellow members. This includes monthly coaching sessions, office hours, weekly check-ins, 24/7 access to the WhatsApp Group, and discounted in-depth coaching sessions.

Can I work 1:1 with Olivia Wallis?

Yes, you have the option to work 1:1 with Olivia Wallis through discounted in-depth coaching sessions available exclusively to members of the Circle of Compassion Membership.

What are the payment options?

We offer flexible payment options to accommodate your needs. You can choose to pay monthly or annually, whichever works best for you.

What is the refund policy?

We offer a 30-day money-back guarantee. If you're not satisfied with the membership for any reason, simply contact us within 30 days of enrollment for a full refund.

What’s the difference between this membership and others?

The Circle of Compassion Membership provides a comprehensive platform for ongoing emotional support, validation, and empowerment. It offers a unique and nurturing community experience and personalized guidance to support your journey towards healing and growth.

What do I need to do / be / have before I join?

You don't need any specific prerequisites to join the Circle of Compassion Membership. This program is designed for individuals who are seeking emotional support, validation, and empowerment on their journey towards healing and growth.

I am still in my toxic relationship or environment would this still be a good fit for me?

Absolutely! The Circle of Compassion Membership is designed to support individuals from all walks of life who are navigating the challenges of trauma and toxic relationships. Whether you're dealing with past trauma, struggling with toxic relationships now, or seeking a supportive community, this program can provide valuable insights and resources to support your unique journey.

How much longer will you allow the weight of past traumas and toxic relationships to hold you back from the healing and growth you deserve?

How much longer will you allow the weight of past traumas and toxic relationships to hold you back from the healing and growth you deserve?

What is true cost of navigating this


What is the true cost of continuing to navigate this journey alone, without the support, validation, and empowerment that the Circle of Compassion Membership offers?

What is true cost of navigating this


What is the true cost of continuing to navigate this journey alone, without the support, validation, and empowerment that the Circle of Compassion Membership offers?

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