
Emotional Well-Being: Let's Talk About It

From The Desk Of Olivia

"I'm sharing the most powerful tools I use to live your best life."

Getting To Know Me, Olivia Wallis, Holistic Self-Care Coach For Women

My name is Olivia, and I’ve discovered the key to lifestyle success, and I want to share it with you. After 20 years as a business professional, I decided to make a life-changing decision. I was stressed out, 7-months pregnant, and a working mom struggling to make time for my toddler and husband, trying to impress my demanding boss. There was no balance. Following significant life events, I am now a happily qualified international holistic self-care coach and I offer my Discover Your Remarkable course to hundreds of women who are now thriving, just like me, and hopefully you too!

Family has always been most important to me, and since my daughter was born, I have wanted to be a great mom. My job was just sapping all the life out of me, and I was not nurturing my family, let alone myself, but I couldn’t leave and be jobless. I felt terrible because I was only spending about an hour and a half with my daughter each day. I was missing out on her milestones and special moments, and when I did spend time with her, I was completely exhausted. I felt like a failure. Due to the immense stress, I went into premature labour and lost my little baby, Daisy. It was soul-destroying.

Then, something amazing happened...

That's when I realised Daisy had come into my life to teach me a very important lesson - life is for living! I realised I had merely just existed, and I didn't want to go back to my "old" life! I embarked on a journey to reduce the stress in my life. I eventually started remembering who I was. Suddenly, I was spending more quality time with my daughter where I was focused and energised. My plan was to start addressing every area of my life that was impacted by negative emotions. I started breathing, meditation, visualisation, journaling, gratitude, exercise, drinking water, prayer, and so much more.

After taking the time to do the research, I mastered the techniques that had given me space to breathe and created the Discover Your Remarkable programme to help other women in the same position with support resources and weekly check-ins with me as an experienced holistic self-care coach. I show you how to work through grief, manage debt, careers, relationships, mental health, find balance and more.

If I could do this and have the success I wanted in my life, I want you to have this too, to live your life fully, and I’d feel really content when you achieve this. START RIGHT NOW by writing down your life goals and visualising them in daily meditation with deep breathing. Through my movement, I’m helping you to access a multitude of tools at the click of a button.


Start your journey to Holistic Self-Care with my Self-Care Toolkit. It is a completely FREE course that will give you better insight into how to add self-care to your life in an easy and sustainable way. It will also clarify why what you have been doing hasn't felt like it has worked up until now. 

Whatever you have gone through, this course will guide you with information and easy to apply steps. All it will take is 5 minutes a day. YES! Just 5 minutes. 

And it's FREE! Grab your spot today!

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