
My real story: From toxic stress to recovery

Discovering light from darkness

Discovering light from darkness

My real story: From toxic stress to recovery

"My mission was to once again find my inner strength, live life to the full and thrive."

"My mission was to once again find my inner strength, live life to the full and thrive."

My Story

Picture this … I was pregnant with my second child. Working round the clock for a demon boss – while desperate to be the hands-on mum I’d always dreamt of being to my 1½-year-old – finding time to read, play and stroll to the park. Oh, and cook meals, eat together as a family and chat to my hubby before lights out!

My Story

Picture this … I was pregnant with my second child. Working round the clock for a demon boss – while desperate to be the hands-on mum I’d always dreamt of being to my 1½-year-old – finding time to read, play and stroll to the park. Oh, and cook meals, eat together as a family and chat to my hubby before lights out!

I was firing on all cylinders (well, I thought I was), tackling everything while heavily pregnant, in an incredibly stressed-out state. Not sleeping well, trying to keep it together and prioritise my career as a working woman and still focus on my family.

I was powered by stress and struggling with burnout - from a toxic situation.


What happened next shattered me to my core!

This relentless pace, compounded by the toxicity surrounding me, led to a heartbreaking outcome. I went into premature labour around 7 months - with the most tragic of consequences - I lost my little baby. As I held her, looking down at her perfect form, I named my second daughter Daisy. Losing Daisy destroyed my soul.

I hit rock bottom.

I hit rock bottom.


I realised the importance of how I needed to reconnect with my true essence, understanding and valuing my needs and desires.


I needed to navigate through the pain of losing Daisy and understand the deeper meaning behind this so I could grow from the heartache.


Recognising the need for transformation, I took steps to rebuild, focusing on emotional resilience and personal growth to create a better life.

A life beyond pain

Learning, growing, healing

Losing Daisy made me look at my life. As I found my path to healing, I felt a deep calling to guide others on their journey. 

My mission is to empower women, just like you, to overcome past traumas, rediscover joy, and embrace a life filled with love and fulfillment.

A life beyond pain

Learning, growing, healing

Losing Daisy made me look at my life. As I found my path to healing, I felt a deep calling to guide others on their journey. 

My mission is to empower women, just like you, to overcome past traumas, rediscover joy, and embrace a life filled with love and fulfillment.

A new purpose: helping you…

You too, deserve a remarkable life

We all face challenges, stressful jobs, toxic relationships, traumatic situations, unexpected losses… But we don't have to face them alone. I've been where you are, and now, I want to help you find your way back to emotional well-being and empowerment. Let's work together to rediscover the joy in life, free from the shadows of your current reality or even your past.

A new purpose: helping you…

You too, deserve a remarkable life

We all face challenges, stressful jobs, toxic relationships, traumatic situations, unexpected losses… But we don't have to face them alone. I've been where you are, and now, I want to help you find your way back to emotional well-being and empowerment. Let's work together to rediscover the joy in life, free from the shadows of your current reality or even your past.

Your path to recovery

You deserve happiness

Life after toxicity and traumatic situations is more than just moving on - it's about thriving. You deserve happiness, love, and peace. And I'm here to guide you every step of the way.

By implementing these strategies, you will feel a shift in your being. The weight of your current situation or the past will begin to lift, and in its place, a sense of lightness and freedom will emerge. This is the joy of reclaiming your life.

Your path to recovery

You deserve happiness

Life after toxicity and traumatic situations is more than just moving on - it's about thriving. You deserve happiness, love, and peace. And I'm here to guide you every step of the way.

By implementing these strategies, you will feel a shift in your being. The weight of your current situation or the past will begin to lift, and in its place, a sense of lightness and freedom will emerge. This is the joy of reclaiming your life.

Together in recovery

Join me in rediscovering joy after trauma

Life has its ups and downs. But no matter where you are right now, remember, there's hope. Together, we will uncover the roots of your pain, transform your wounds into sources of strength, and rediscover the joy of living a life free from the shadows of the past.

Together in recovery

Join me in rediscovering joy after trauma

Life has its ups and downs. But no matter where you are right now, remember, there's hope. Together, we will uncover the roots of your pain, transform your wounds into sources of strength, and rediscover the joy of living a life free from the shadows of the past.

My certifications

My certifications

But don’t just take my word for it – here is one of my grateful clients’ feedback

“I was stuck in a rut and I can honestly say, she changed my life for the better…”

"I was fortunate enough to have had Olivia as my coach for about a year. I was dealing with massive changes in my personal and work life and Olivia was there to guide me through it. Her kind and supportive nature made it easy for me to face the challenges and turn them into opportunities for personal growth. She knew how to push me when I was stuck in a rut and I can honestly say, she changed my life for the better."

~ Sharika, Property Professional

“I was stuck in a rut and I can honestly say, she changed my life for the better…”

"I was fortunate enough to have had Olivia as my coach for about a year. I was dealing with massive changes in my personal and work life and Olivia was there to guide me through it. Her kind and supportive nature made it easy for me to face the challenges and turn them into opportunities for personal growth. She knew how to push me when I was stuck in a rut and I can honestly say, she changed my life for the better."

~ Sharika, Property Professional

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